All About Essential Oils

Why would you want to use essential oils to support, promote and maintain your body's health?

The answer is simple:

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Essential oils have compounds that activate what your body needs when there is an unbalance. When you know what the root cause of your situation is, you can find oils that will, most times, bring balance and self restoration.

Need more reasons?

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Essential oils smell amazing and they make you feel great! Unlike synthetic perfumes and air fresheners, they are good for your body too, as they are natural, so our bodies are inclined to recognize them and therefore accept them more easily.

So, what exactly are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the active compounds of the plants that help them thrive. They are steam distilled from fresh herbs, trees, roots, flowers, and bushes and the molecules are so small that they travel the air easily.

That is why they are aromatic and essential, unlike the fatty oils that come from seeds like olive, coconut, etc whose molecules are heavy.

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We use those fatty oils to dilute the essential oils. It is the plant's immune system and they work in the same way in human bodies.

They have amazing medicinal properties and have been used for thousands of years by ancient cultures for health, beauty and in religious rituals. In fact, there are over 300 Bible references for them.

They are very concentrated and extremely potent. So only a drop or two goes a long way, making them very cost-effective.

Why choose Young Living?

For their unbeatable QUALITY, resulting from the Seed to Seal process. Anyone can make essential oils, but no one makes an oil like Young Living. It is simply too expensive to get the quality of Young Living, so other companies cut corners to obtain inexpensive products and to maximize profits.

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Commitment to COMPLIANCE & SUSTAINABILITY: Young Living is environmentally responsible and is committed to find and use sustainable farming and to protect endangered species.

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GLOBAL FARMS: Young Living has farms and partner farms in every continent. They look for where the plants grow best, and keep growing. Member participation is welcome and encouraged; from helping in the harvest process to planting new trees! Such incredible experiences and travel opportunities are priceless!

Young Living Foundation
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SERVICE AND GIVING back is one of our core values. The Young Living Foundation ensures that 100% of all donations goes to empowering thousands of underserved people with different programs. Members have many ways to participate, from monetary donations to volunteering in special projects.

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COMMUNITY: When you get your starter kit in Young Living you become part of a great community of people where you can find the support and resources you need to make the most of your oils.

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Learn more about the oils and their uses

Disclaimer: The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or prescribe, any conditions. Consult your doctor before using essential oils when in doubt.