What is Higher Living?

Higher living is what happens when the intention is not only existing, but actually thriving in every aspect. It means making choices that improves the quality of life based on your current situation and evolution and you strive to learn and evolve in this life experience. We offer 7 aspects for higher living and invite you to explore those that resonate with you.

Through our journey we have learned that high quality Essential oils can help support each one of these 7 areas and we share that knowledge here for you if you wish to join our group and ally together in our mission.


The 5 most important aspects of maintaining a healthy body are:

- Nutrition
- Movement
- Sleep
- Elimination
- Environment.
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Good nutrition means providing our body all the elements it needs to function at optimal levels. Besides including good quality proteins, carbohydrates, a variety of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats, is also important to supplement with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, enzymes, fiber, omegas and more. The body has an incredible ability to heal itself when it is given the proper elements. Each one of us is different and our bodies may respond different to the foods we eat, so learning to identify what food types suits your body best is very important. The Ningxia Red starter kit is a great way to start adding valuable nutrition to your diet.

Movement in any form of exercise is vital to overall health and vitality. Our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, digestive and circulatory systems, and other bodily functions parts work better with daily exercise. At least 20-30 minutes of movement daily, such as walking, stretching, cardio, yoga or whatever works for you is great. Moderate exercise also makes you feel good and contributes to a positive mindset and attitude towards life, improves mood and increases your energy. The Premium starter kit with essential oils is an excellent way to start if you want to support your body before, during or after exercise.

environment is probably a bit more tricky and although we may not have complete control over everything we're exposed to, such as the quality of the air and water, there are many things that we can do. Some of those things include switching to non-toxic home and personal care products, installing home filtered water systems, diffusing essential oils to improve the air quality inside homes and offices, avoiding chemical-based aerosol products and room deodorizers, avoiding food additives by reading ingredient lists, etc. to name a few. You can start making small changes to your lifestyle by using essential oils. The Thieves line is a great way to upgrade your environment.

It is a personal responsibility to provide your own body with the best for optimal function.

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People usually associate the mind with their physical brain. In truth, the mind is the function of the brain and includes our thoughts. The mind is where we create everything in life, we begin creating with our thoughts. There are 2 parts to our mind:
Conscious and subconscious.

Although we might think we are conscious of our thoughts, words and actions, in fact, about 90% of our them come from the subconscious.

The subconscious is like the software of computer that contains all the programs that have been either implemented in us from childhood (or even in the womb) through teachings, words, actions, emotions and our own interpretation of them as well as our beliefs based on past experiences.

We generally repeat the same thoughts over and over again and the reality we live is greatly influenced by those thoughts and the decisions that we made at some point in our lives based on the "programs" that we have. The good news is that we can change those programs.

Scientific study has long identified that we have the ability to change the wiring within our brain as our minds are a process that can be changed. Our thoughts have a powerful impact on our health and life situations. Taking the time to learn more about how you can change your life by changing your thoughts will be a good invested effort.

Take a look at our suggestions at how to improve your health and your life by observing your thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs and making changes. Essential oils can benefit you by releasing stress and promoting a more positive attitude.


Spirit is the force that gives life to the body. The belief that there is a power greater than your human perspective can be abstract until you allow for direct experience. Spirit is the force that gives life to the body.
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The belief that there is a power greater than your human perspective can be abstract until you allow for direct experience. Whether you know this power as God, Consciousness, Universe, Chi, Divine Spirit, or whatever name resonates with you, connecting to that loving source is available to everyone. It is part of us.

Prayer and devotion as well as meditation brings the focus inward expanding the spiritual aspect of living. Balancing the body, mind and spirit enhances health, awareness, and clarity. The ability to focus your mind to a place of quiet will allow you to connect with your spirit and develop your intuition. This practice brings inner peace and tranquility.

Spending time in nature is another way to connect with spirit. Drawing on the peace that is often experienced while observing nature is refreshing and can restore inner calm.

We can experience nature by watching a sunrise or sunset, walking in the woods or a wooded park, sitting under a tree, listening to a stream or water fountain, or enjoying a garden and inhaling the fragrance of flowers. You can use your favourite essential oil to let go of negativity and stress and oils like Frankincense promote a deeper spiritual connection. Practicing mindfulness throughout the day is another way to help you focus during your quiet time.

There is a large and growing segment of human beings who regularly practice inner awareness to gain, control over thoughts and emotions, and bring balance to their lives. Just simply sitting quietly and finding your "centre" will quickly impact your daily life if practiced regularly.

Balance your energy through restorative breathing; chanting a favourite affirmation; focusing on your heart centre and allowing love for self and others to grow; or focusing on gratitude for all things. Even negative events in our lives and poor choices can bring clarity and the desire for change if we're aware and allow it. Abandon judgment of self and others; embrace love, joy and gratitude; fall in love with life.

"The person you are when you come out of the storm is not the person you were when you went into the storm. That's the purpose of the storm." -Haruki Murakami

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Emotions play a big part of our daily life, they can range from positive (like joy, love, peace, gratitude, excitement) to negative (like anger, sadness, fear, guilt, hurt, etc) stress and anxiety are also consider emotional states. Conscious and subconscious.

Unresolved negative emotions often become trapped in the body creating energetic blockages and with time become physical pain or problems.

The brain produce chemicals like oxytocin or serotonin when positive emotions or like cortisol, adrenalin with negative emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, stress. These chemicals are produced in reaction to an active conscious thought. Strong emotions that accompany impactful thoughts help imprint that event on our brain for easy recall. Often these events are negative and contribute to the forming of behaviours, biases, and daily actions.

Once you have a thought, whether recalling a memory or in relation to a current situation, certain emotion may arise. These emotions in turn reinforce the thought, which triggers greater emotions, thereby creating a loop. This loop of thoughts and emotions can have serious impact on our health. Luckily there are many ways how you can help let go of negative emotions and there are many essential oils that support emotional wellness. We invite you to explore them and to experience them for yourself. Learn more


Life has more meaning when we have a purpose, something that motivates us to go on day by day. When that purpose is filled with the intent to make a difference in other people's lives and to serve, the emotional rewards are priceless.
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That is the purpose of EVA. We all can get a job or a business for money, though when your business is bringing solutions for a healthier and happier living, it is a win win for everyone. There is nothing more rewarding than when someone says: You changed my life, thank you!

We want to give you the opportunity to join us in sharing the Young Living healthy lifestyle, bring more meaning to your life and help us change many lives.

We are here to help you!

See how to become a Master Ally!

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We are meant to live in community, and the connections we make throughout life help us grow and succeed. We need to be mindful of making time for connecting with our friends and community in person, especially these days where social media and our busy schedule has replacing much of the personal connections.

This also means being kind and loving with one another, being empathic and caring for all living things as in the end we are all connected as one. That is the original meaning of the world uni-verse (from latin unus ~one and versus ~to turn) "all things, everybody, all people, the whole world" '"all together, all in one, whole, entire, relating to all literally: Turned into one" (etymonline.com) All existing matter and space as one whole.

Higher Conciousness

We define consciousness as rising our awareness of self, of being part of this universe and understanding all its laws. It is caring wholeheartedly and being in harmony with our own self, with every other human being, with nature and with our planet.
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It is developing our intuition and understanding that we are more than just a human body, that our spirit is the most important part us and aligning with it we become whole and have limitless potential, from achieving perfect health, love, happiness, harmony and anything we pursue with ease.

There are nowadays even more people realizing this truth and developing ways to achieve that higher consciousness. Some of these include mind and consciousness development, extra sensory development, certain meditation techniques and yoga practices such as kundalini yoga. Many more people are using essential oils to rise that awareness, connect with nature and thyself, release and counteract negative emotions to rise their body vibration and frequency. As you allow yourself to explore them too, you will realize the limitless potential of plants, and as you continue to learn about them, your intuition will continue to expand… that is your inner self guidance.